Pouring it Out: Your Virtual Barista


Thanks for meeting
me here at my favorite
coffee spot.  It's going
to be a busy week and
I'm so happy that you
were able to spare some 
of  your precious time 
with me.

I visit this particular 
coffee place every week 
after I pick my daughter up
from school.  We stop here for 
lattes on our way to 
her harp lesson.

Our favorite barista is
always here to welcome
us with a big smile.  She
is a lovely college student
who is getting ready to 
travel the U.S. this summer
with her college choir and
we are going to miss her!

Via Google Images
Please take the coziest
chair in the joint, right next
to the round iron fireplace.
I'll pop up front and order
for us....What's your pleasure?

Okay, I'm back.  Two
medium lattes and a piece
of carrot cake to split.


How was your Mother's Day?
I love Mother's Day because
even if we don't all have
children, we are all the
children of mothers,
in some form or another.

And that's worth celebrating.

We clink our cardboard cups
as a toast to mothers.
We smile.

Bouquet from my boy : )
After we share our Mother's Day
stories and reminiscences
as well as the quickly disappearing
carrot cake and a few more
sips of java, we move on to
more weekend details....

I spent all day Friday and
Saturday taking a two-day
writer's workshop on how
to craft a book.  Not a class
about how to write, but rather
the nuts and bolts of framing
a story and getting it to all
come together.  The class was
held in an urban literary
center in the trendy Mill District
of downtown Minneapolis,
near the Mississippi River.

Think rehabbed warehouse.
Think soft, worn, wide-plank
wood floors and brick walls.
It felt great to be a student again.
I told my husband that it was 
eight straight hours each day
of using my brain.  Even the lunch
breaks were working lunches.

It was exhausting.
It was exhilarating!

Part of my homework on
Friday night included a trip
to an office supply store.
For the first time in recent
memory I wasn't there because
I have a science project due or 
The printer is out of ink. 
 I really enjoyed strolling the
aisles, weighing my choices,
deliberating over colors, etc.
Me, the student.

Umm...you have a little 
cream cheese frosting on 
your chin....There, you 
got it!

Like most families, weekends often
  mean cuddling up with a  movie 
or  show that we've tivo-ed. One of 
our favorites is about a U.S. special 
forces military unit and their families. 
 There is a lot of action and they all have 
code names.  We thought that this was 
so cool that we each took one of the code 
names for ourselves!  I mentioned
this to my mom and she  immediately 
followed suit for herself and my dad.

{So, Silver Fox, if you are reading
this, Cool Breeze and her brood
are sending you BIG happy
birthday wishes!}

Undercover kids, aka Betty Blue and Dirt Diver

Before I wrestle you for that
last bite of carrot cake, I'll tell 
you about my friend Emily's new
blog, Emily's Kitchen. Emily is 
one  of those beautiful people who 
just radiates good health; you know, 
the kind that makes you think 
I'll have what she's having!

And now, I can.
And so can you.
Emily teaches us how to cook with 
nutrient-dense foods that pack the 
most healthful punch for the calories.
I'm talking avocado burgers.
I'm talking grain-free granola.
I'm talking tortilla soup.
I'm talking D E L I C I O U S !

 Image from Emily's grain-free granola post
Besides recipes, she recommends
links to articles that explain things
like the Dirty 15 {ick}, which are
the fruits and vegetables that you
really need to buy organic and other
interesting topics like using 
finishing salt and diet detoxing.

As I polish off my latte, I confide
in you that I signed up for her next
 three-day raw detox, in a
 week.  I've never tried one before, 
but according to Emily, some of the
benefits include increased energy,
restful sleep, weight loss,
clearer skin and mental clarity.

Yes, please!

Emily's kitchen.
One of her living food smoothies.
I'll report back on my detoxifying
experience at a future coffee : )
Until then, please pop over and
visit Emily.  Tell her that you had
coffee with your friend Suzanne and
that she says hello!

Right now, it's time to pull ourselves
reluctantly up from the big, comfy
chairs and head towards the door.
After a flurry of hugs, a wave to 
our barista with a Good luck with
your summer! we push the door
open to the cool air outside.

We linger on the sidewalk.
We breathe deeply and sigh.
We hug once more.
Let's do this again, soon!



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