Tales from the {Blogger} Hood

In the book of life, 
the answers 
aren't in the back. 
 Charlie Brown 

It's been a busy week here at Privet and Holly.

With end of school activities in full swing,
the garden crying out for it's fair share of attention,
spring cleaning chores calling,
volunteer work appealing,
family needing
and writing always
beckoning like a siren....

It's a balancing act.

My mind is spinning with all that
I have learned in the Bloggosphere,
this week.....

That kindred spirits
supercede geography, age,
careers and societal roles.
{Thanks, Anne}

That loving and grieving
and hope are integral parts
of life's journey.
{Thanks, Brenda}

That memories shared
are re-savored.
{Thanks, Julie}

That brand-new souls and
formative ones can keep us
up at night and that prayers
can be answered.
{Thanks Kerrie}

That teachers can walk beside you
even when they are 1500 miles away.
(Thanks Kathysue}

That laughter really is the
best medicine.
{Thank you, Jenn}

That angels come in all forms,
sometimes wearing shorts!
{Thank you Lili.}

That comfort food is 
a common denominator.
{Thanks Marie}

That dreams of French blue shutters
and matching little cars
sometimes keep us going.
{Thanks Kim}

That gardens look very
beautiful before the storm.
{Thanks Anne}

That a friend of yours could
be a friend of mine.
{Thanks Anita ~ and Jeanie }

That kindness counts.
{Thanks Di}

That it is truly more fulfilling
to give than receive....
{Thanks Vonda}
....although I'm always grateful
to receive! {Thanks Kat }

That this post would reach
epic proportions if I were to
list all of the inspiring lessons
that I have learned from each
and every one of you,
just this week.

{Thank you ALL!}

[flickr images: 1, 3-8, 10, 12, 14
click on image for artist attribution]


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