Chasing Dreams Home

The ninety and nine 
are with dreams, content,
but the hope of the world
made new is the hundredth
man who is grimly bent on
making those dreams
come true.
~ Edgar Allan Poe

She dreamt a dream
of a sweet little house
in the country....

A house with a soul ~
good bones
good karma
surrounded by barns
and fields and trees....

Not content to merely
imagine such a place,
she was the hundredth
{wo}man....The one
grimly bent on making
those dreams come true.

And, she did.

My mom and I had already
chosen the Hill Country of
Texas for my 2011 birthday
trip before I even discovered
Anne's beautiful blog, 
Fiona & Twigg.  Months of
sharing Anne's hopes and 
aspirations through her blog
as she and her husband chased
their goal ~ finding just the right 
slice of Fredericksburg heaven ~ 
led me to my own dream:
To meet Anne when I
got to Texas and maybe 
even get a glimpse
of her new home.

And I did.

And it was more than a glimpse.

Much, much  more.

Would you like to see it, too?

Then come with me.
{Y'all ready for this?}

Let's turn into
her long gravel driveway.
I'll lead the way, 
seeing as how I feel so
much at home here, now : )

First, the barns {yes, she
has two ~ count them, two!}
 and the peaceful fields...

You already saw the darling
gate that leads you to
the front door.....

Don't be shy; give it a
good rap.  I know she'll
be happy to see us!


Here's the lady of the house, now.
What a warm welcome!

It's sooo hot outside,
but the vestibule is nice and cool.

Let's sit for a spell 
and catch our breath.

Ooh....look up there.
So pretty!

Anne is still in the throes
of moving in, but her
darling blue and white
kitchen is ready for guests.

Wanna take a peek?

Her love for this
little gem of a house
is found in every detail.

Here are a few more
to send us on our way.

Love, love, love.


Nothing happens
unless we first
~ Carl Sandburg

I know that today will
be a day for royal toasts.
I want to add one more,
from me to you:

Never be afraid  to
grab for those dreams,
whatever they may be,
big or small....

Be that hundredth person,
rather than 
the nine and ninety.

Anne is!


[All images,
Privet and Holly, 
taken on location
in Fredericksburg, Texas!]

Click to check out 
Tricia's blog : )


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