The Question

Tell me about yourself.

Over the last year
I have volunteered
at an organization
that assists unemployable
or under-employed
individuals to prepare 
for interviews 
that will help
them land jobs
 paying a
 living wage.

Tell me about yourself
is often the
most daunting
question for them
to field.

received recognition
from some lovely
bloggers, asking
me to answer this
same question, in
one way or another.


Decor Naturel
I've decided to
use the framework
for my answer
provided by the
wonderful Melissa
who asked:

What are 
seven things in
your life
that you
to be true?

1. Bloom
where you
are planted.

As a child
my family moved
numerous times
with my dad's
career, from east
to west, south to
north and this
was our mantra.
Making friends,
joining a church,
you can't help
but blossom.
I've moved
seven times in
my married life
so this philosophy
has served me well!

2. Kindness

Whether it's a
compliment to 
someone in the
grocery check-out
line or writing a thank
you note to my child's
favorite teacher, I
believe that kindness
is a limitless gift to
share with others.
I've never regretted
showing kindness,
only missed
to give it.

3. We choose 
to be 

Every school day when
I hug my kids good-bye,
I don't tell them to be 
good or to have a nice
day....I tell them to
be happy.  It's a choice
we make, each day.

4. Friendship
and physical boundaries.
Our common values
are the ties that bind.

I am blessed with
friends of all ages and
stages.  Some of the best,
including my parents,
live far away from me.
One bestie even lives in
New Zealand, a
a world away
But, she's always
to my heart.

5. Everyone
a story.

Even those who
think that their lives
are ordinary have
a tale to tell.  From
fellow airline passengers,
to seniors in my choir,
to each of your blogs,
I'm all ears; true
stories fascinate me
in a way that fantasy
never will!

6. My legacy 
will be
the two
 loving people
that I helped 
to raise.

No other job
that I've ever held
will impact the
world like this one.
I pray each day
for God's
guidance to
get it right!

7. Time and 
unconditional love 
are the most precious
commodities on earth.

These are both things to
be savored, as you cannot
buy either one.  Oh how
I wish I'd realized
this when I was younger!
I've squandered
my share of time,
I have been
given the gift 
of unconditional
love from special
people {and animals!} in my 
life, including 
the dearest man
who married me
nearly 24 years ago.

What do you
know in your
life to be

In addition to
Melissa, I'm
sending big 
thank-yous to
Sally at Divine
Annie at Decor Naturel
for their dear awards
and for caring enough
to say....

Tell me


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