Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy,
like art, like love. It has no survival value;
rather, it is one of those things that give value
to survival.
~ C.S. Lewis
like art, like love. It has no survival value;
rather, it is one of those things that give value
to survival.
~ C.S. Lewis
I flew into Chicago
last weekend
to spend precious time
with my dear friend
as she endured her
first round of
She is such a
so full of
of life
the best friend
a girl
could ever
ask for.
I also spent time with
sweet friend Fiona ~
She has her
own story,
as well....
for another time,
another post.
Put us all together:
Me and Fiona,
Kathleen, cheering
us on....
And you have
almost 137 years
of living
and loving
between us.
Three peas in a pod
Fiona, Kathleen, Me
Despite her awe-
inspiring attitude,
Kathleen's energy
ebbed and flowed.
So, this was our
prescription, our RX,
for her first
chemo weekend...
Fiona and I cooked
and froze seven double
batches of our go-to
You'll find one of
them, my recipe for
the most yummy and
easy soup here.
When she felt
up to it, we fed
her comfort food,
including this.
White Truffle Mac
and Cheese, Kasey's
recipe over at Lola B's.
Kath was feeling
a bit overwhelmed
by some unfinished
projects which she's
had to set aside
during her illness.
So, Fiona and I
tackled a few hanging
jobs, including the
start of her
{special} K wall.
We sat outside
one lovely night
and talked and talked
and talked. Great
medicine for anyone!
Her gorgeous back yard |
Although Kathleen
abstained, Fiona
and I toasted her
courage as she faces
this beastly disease.
Many cups of tea
were consumed,
as well!
Not deep stuff,
but it made us
smile...and laugh!
Fashion show
{For the weeks to come.}
New hats....
And new wig...
{She rocked both looks!}
Did I mention kids?
Well, they all made
the weekend possible
for us....and we were
very grateful.
I even sneaked in
breakfast with my
sweetheart God-daughter,
Isabella ~ Fiona's oldest.
Here she is with
Kathleen's kids ~
Aren't they all
I am six hours
away from Kathleen
and Fiona by car....
and Fiona by car....
An hour,
by plane....
But always,
close in my
I miss them,
even as I
embrace the
normal rhythm
of my own home
and family.
And I know
you understand
just what I mean.
One round
five to go.
No distance of place or lapse of time
can lessen the friendship of those
who are throughout persuaded
of each other's worth....
~ Robert Southey
can lessen the friendship of those
who are throughout persuaded
of each other's worth....
~ Robert Southey
PS: Thank you for your
continued thoughts and prayers!
They continue to mean
so much to me and Kathleen.
continued thoughts and prayers!
They continue to mean
so much to me and Kathleen.
My Feathering
the Nest giveaway is
still open...
1, 3 flickr {click for attribution};
4,11,12 Google images;
rest P&H]
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