Dinner for Three and GIVEAWAY Winner!

I grew up sharing meals at a similar table!
As a child my family ate dinner
together nearly every night
until I left for college

And yes
we were your typical 
American family of the day
two parents
two kids
two dogs
{and at times two parakeets
and a hamster or two}

{Happy Birthday 5-13, Little Brother!}

But every once in a while
if my dad was out
and it was just my mom, brother and me
we didn't eat the typical fare
post roasts or lasagna
pork chops with sauerkraut
or meatloaf or manicotti

It was more likely to be
scrambled eggs or waffles
{breakfast for dinner!}
or grilled cheese and
tomato soup.

Sometimes we'd have a
Swanson's frozen meal or
a chicken potpie or maybe
frozen pizza.....

Compared to the normal routine,
these meals seemed exotic--
especially if we got to eat them
on TV trays!  Remember those??

These days, I'm the mom and
I have my own go-to
Daddy is out dishes
that the kids and I enjoy
when we are on our own.

As they have grown they
also like the every man
for himself option where
we plunder the fridge for
leftovers and do our own

But I still crave the camaraderie
of sitting down together,
so I'm always on the lookout
for new menu ideas for the
nights that it is just the three
of us.

One of those nights, this week,
we had baked potatoes, scrambled
eggs and asparagus, which we
all found quite comforting.

It's been a chilly, rainy and
grey week, weather wise, so
this is the type of food that
we have been craving.

Since discovering blogs
I have gleaned many recipe
ideas and today I found a
new it's just us three dinner
idea:  Spaghetti on Toast
from my friend Marie
at The English Kitchen.

One of my favorite English Kitchens from the movie The Holiday
Apparently Spaghetti on Toast
is very popular in the U.K.
particularly among children,
students and starving artists!

Here is part of the recipe....

It has to be grilled toast, with slabs of sliced 
strong cheddar cheese placed on one side and
then grilled until all toasted and bubbling . . .

Then you simply place them onto heated plates 
and ladle the hot spaghetti over top.
With a good grinding of black pepper on top, 
it's a fab supper....It's a no brainer really . . . 

. . . hot toasted cheese with hot tinned 
spaghetti ladled over top.

Thanks, Marie! 

I would love to learn about
your favorite alternate night

Those nights when you are
cooking just for yourself

or yourself and the kids

or don't feel like cooking at all!

PS:  Just wrapped up my first
giveaway to celebrate my first
50 followers!  Thank you for
the 89 comments and all of the
introductions to new blogging
neighbors!   Decided that
was too many to put into a hat,
so used random.org and
am pleased to announce that the
winner is Number 73,
Vonda from Following Splendor!

images [1 beinteriordecorator.com 2 womansday.com 3 iateapie.net  4 swansonmeals.com  5 manolohome.com 
6 kls.com 7-8 Privet and Holly 9 shafferfineart.com 10 The Holiday 11 The English Kitchen 12 Privet and Holly]


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