Must for Fun

My niece who's my muse when it comes to fun!

Just for fun.

That was the challenge
posed to me on Tuesday,
by the lovely Susan,

Just for fun.

It has a nice ring to it,
don't you think?

Better yet, how
about making more
room in our days
for those things
that aren't 

Kind of an
rx for the soul.

A must for fun!

Susan's just for fun 
challenge was for readers 
to answer 
a series of questions
from Bravo's Inside the
 Actor's Studio....
Then link our answers
in order to learn more
about each other.

So, just for fun.....

What is your favorite word? "Maaaa-meeee!"
What is your least favorite word? Cancer.
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? 
For writing, my most inspired moments come 
when I'm exercising outside; biking with my
husband, walking the dog or sitting 
on a bench with a latte, watching the 
world go by....This is also where 
I feel closest to God and find myself
counting my blessings.  A close second
 would be surrounded by my family.
What turns you off? Cruelty, in any form.
What sound or noise do you love? 
I love the sound of water, whether it's
the ocean, rain on the roof or a babbling fountain.
What sound or noise do you hate? Voices raised in anger.
What is your favorite thing to say when you get mad? 
DARN IT!!!  
When my daughter was almost three we 
were at Disney World riding the monorail.
A honeymooning couple asked her 
what her name was.  They made a
fuss out of how pretty it was and 
asked what her middle name was.  Not
missing a beat she answered, Darn It.
{Not my shining moment as a mom.}
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? 
I would love to be a writer, of course!  
Or a dietitian.  That would be very cool.
What profession would you not like to do?
Cold call sales.  Been there, done that ~
 My first job out of college was with Xerox!
If Heaven exists (I believe that it does), 
what would you like to hear God say 
when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? 
Welcome home.  You are loved by some 
wonderful people {and dogs!} 
who've waited patiently for you to get here.

If you'd like to link up 
to Just for Fun, hop 
over to Susan's blog and 
let her know you're in.

Your daily dose of 
must for fun : )

Doctor's orders!


PS:  Don't forget to
enter my CSN giveaway,
here ~ just for fun!

[images: P&H 
via my brother and


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