Walking the Talk: Virtual {Iced} Tea

There you are.

I thought that was
your sweet face,
next to the trail, where 
we agreed to meet.
I'm a few minutes
late, with Elizabeth,
William and Gracie in
 tow.  {Sorry for the delay!}

I brought us some
iced tea to sip as
we walk....and talk....

William is going to
ride ahead on his
bicycle.  He's all
about his bike these
days, finding walking
to be so boring.

See ya, son.

Anyway, Elizabeth
and Gracie are going to
blaze the trail ahead
of us, so we can chat by 
ourselves.  Before we
start out, though, she
wants to thank you for
your kind thoughts and
wishes when she was
in Italy!  {GRATZIE!}

As I was driving my
brood over here, 75
degrees, dry and 
sunny.....Blue skies
with puffy white clouds
like the sort that is often
drawn by a child....And
the lake, sparkling and
flags fluttering....I had
an Oh my! moment.

I was blooming where
I was planted.

Yes, you've heard me
bandy that phrase around
here, before.  Growing up, it
was my family's motto; another
 brood that moved around.
A lot.

And I'd convinced myself
with each move as a grown up,
that I was doing exactly that.  But
I realized just.this.week that I
was finally walking the talk.

Because in the past ten years
that we have been planted
here in Minnesota, I had staked
 a big BUT next to my blooms.

I am blooming where I'm
planted.....but I'd rather live
near my parents.
I am blooming where I'm
planted.....but we won't be
here that long.
I am blooming where I'm
planted, but I'd rather be
closer to the ocean.

But....this week ~
THIS week ~
As I passed gorgeous old
farms when we drove out
into the country to pick
THIS week ~
As I walked this very beautiful
paved trail that parallels 
the lake.....

A peacefulness settled on
my heart and I realized it.
That stake.....that but....
has been plucked and 

I AM blooming where I'm planted.
I am home, for as long as this
patch of earth keeps us here.

And why not?
Minnesotans enjoy the second
longest life expectancy in the 
U.S., behind Hawaii.  {!}

Minnesota is known for its
great schools; in the most
recent ranking, our students
scored third highest on SATs.

According to Statemaster.com,
their latest liveability index
ranked Minnesota as the second 
best place to live in the U.S., 
behind New Hampshire.

Minnesotans grab each
season by the lapel and shake
out every.last.bit.  Our lake
is dotted with ice houses and
skiers all winter long, but as
soon as those paved trails
are clear, you will see the first
 bicyclists out for a spin....
even if there are still snow banks.
And, docks go into lakes as soon
as the edges have melted, even
if the middle is still frozen solid!

That my friends, is blooming.

I know.  Heavy stuff, eh?
{See, that Minnesota-speak
has rubbed off on me after
all of these years!}

Ooh, I see the bridge,
up ahead.  One of my favorite
resting vistas, with water on
both sides.  I see that my girl
has stopped to take it in.  Even
Gracie likes to stop and look.

Here, I've brought a few
raw energy bars, home made
by my friend Emily, for us
to nibble on as we enjoy
 the view.

Do you think that sense that
one is truly at home, deep in
the bones, transcends a roof
over our heads and family 
around the table?

I just finished a memoir written
by an Alaskan author.  She wrote
about a close friend who arrived
in Alaska at age 19 and confided that
for the first time in his young life,
I finally feel like I'm home.

Is it DNA or simply how we are
wired, that makes a specific geography
 seem to fit better than another?

Hey, there goes William, whizzing 
past us on his bicycle.  Break's over....
Let's turn back.  I want to hear all 
about the place that makes you feel most 
at home.  Are you living there now or 
are you hoping to live there in the future? 

Are you blooming 
where you are planted....




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