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Today I have another installment of the Nubar Jeans and Les Jeans des Chanel comparison with Nubar Boyfriend Jeans and Chanel Blue Boy. I did it the same way as for Nubar Faded Jeans, with a manicure of base coat, two coats of color, and top coat, using Boyfriend Jeans on nine nails and Blue Boy on one. I gave the mani some time to dry and then took pictures. The sun is barely out today so I only have an overcast picture, and you might notice that my hand looks kind of red in the picture. That's because it is - it's 63° inside right now since I refuse to turn on the heat so early, and my hands get ridiculously cold. Here's the unlabelled version so you can get a first impression.
Nubar Boyfriend Jeans Nail Polish with One Chanel Blue Boy Nail, Two Coats Each |
This picture shows you which is the Chanel.
Nubar Boyfriend Jeans and Chanel Blue Boy Comparison, Two Coats Each |
I say they're dupes, which is good news. I really loved the color when it came out of a Chanel bottle and I like it just the same out of a Nubar bottle, but I do a better job with the Nubar brush, so I prefer it.
That's what I know about Boyfriend Jeans versus Blue Boy, so until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!
Some products were sent for independent review.
All Rights Reserved, Siobhan@The Nailphile. If you're reading this elsewhere, it's stolen from a real nail polish blog.
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