Behind the Scenes

In loving one another through our
works we bring an increase in
grace and a growth in divine love.

~ Mother Teresa

I love our exterminator, Jerry.
He keeps our house pest free.
He always has a smile on his face.
He chats proudly to me about his
wife and their only child, a daughter.
He keeps treats in his pockets for
Gracie and the other dogs on his route.
I can count on him to come to our
rescue, even if it's not our regular
maintenance visit.  He makes us feel
like we are his most important customer.
I have an inkling that
 all his clients feel this way!
Thank you, Jerry.

I love our UPS man.
Although I'm not on a first name basis
with him like I am with Jerry, he probably
feels like he knows me pretty well.
Amazon packages.
Harney tea packages.
Land's End and J. Crew. 
Last Friday as I was pulling away
in the car, there he was, struggling
 with a big box and delivering it 
right.inside.the.garage.  Nice!
Thank you, UPS man.

I love my hairdresser, Kassie.
Kassie is so amazing that I plan to  
devote a whole post to her, someday.
She started working in a salon,
sweeping floors and folding towels
when she was 13 {shhh....}.  She toiled
to make her dreams come true and
opened her own organic hair salon
in her twenties.  Everyone leaves
her shop feeling a bit more educated
and a whole lot healthier.  And 
did I mention, prettier, too?
Thank you, Kassie.

I love our gardening fairy, Sandi.
Sandi is a friend of a friend who
helps me stay on top of our could-
nature yard.  She has an attitude 
as sunny as the days she works
in our yard.....even when those days
are not, in fact, so sunny.  Sandi
arrives at our house after putting in
several hours at her own, taking care 
of her horses and land.  I call her
our gardening fairy because she 
visits quietly and without fanfare
and it's almost like she's waved her
magic wand and the daisies and
ferns and black-eyed Susans march
to her direction.  Almost.  I know
that it is, in fact, hard, hard work.
Thank you, Sandi.

I also love Ana and Iurie {Yur-ee}.
Six years ago they left their home country 
for asylum here in the U.S. from
religious persecution; they are Baptists.
Every two weeks this energetic couple
 tackles the harder cleaning tasks 
around our house.  They have three 
children and this year their oldest 
graduated from our local high school 
with honors. They pay cash for 
everything and never go out to eat.  They
 tell me In America, if you are willing to
work hard, anything is possible.  
love their earnestness and the pride
they show in being American citizens.
Because they roll up their sleeves
and do the heavy lifting around here,
my job, especially, is much, much easier.
Thank you, Ana and Iurie.

Thank you kind lady who
rings up my groceries....and the
friendly gal at the hardware store
who greets my hubby by name....
Thank you men and women who
volunteer to keep us safe at home
and abroad.  Your works grace
my life every single day.

Thank you
 to all the other cheerful givers
I have had the great privilege to know
and befriend, quietly performing the tasks
 that need doing and doing them well.....
Not by taking center stage, but by gently
 playing in the orchestra pit of our lives.  
Without their measured beats in the 
background, life would be a lot 
less sweet.

So tell me, who are the 
cheerful givers
in the background



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