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As I think about the list...
You know the one....
My new year's resolutions....
I realize that I have reached
an age where it is no longer

Hit the gym 3+ times a week
Prepare from scratch dinners the majority of evenings
Walk Gracie at least once a day


It is more like this:

Make every moment count.

Really SEE my children.  {Some days my
son jumps down the stairs in the morning
and I swear he has grown overnight.  
How did I not SEE that?} 

Remember to breathe.  Look
around.  Just BE from time to time.

Pray more

Laugh more!

Focus on gratitude

As I was reading all of your 
lovely reflections on
Open Happiness, I started 
to see many of your words as 
little resolutions, guiding me 
as I began to make my own.  

Here is just a glimpse.
They seemed like wonderful 
advice as we head into 2011.

wish our world had more the new year approaches and I figure
 out new ways to improve my life and ways to touch others, 
hugs will be foremost on my list.
~ Sarah

The right word at the right time can be a priceless gift.
~ Claudia

Somehow I have this idea that as I go through the year 2011
speaking words of praise that I will 
at the same time be opening happiness. 
~ Dianna

No matter where we stand in life, 
we ALL have SO very much to be grateful for.
~ Lorraine

Being happy certainly is a choice, 
and one that I try to be conscious of every day.
~ Sally

A hug is something that is not only free, 
but stays with you throughout your day.
~ Deborah

Like you, I listen to that little voice that makes 
itself known on a napkin or wherever it happens to appear! 
 ~ Kat

I make it a habit to cherish all the little things each day 
that come my way, instead of waiting to only 
celebrate the big ones.  
~ Marie

It's all how we look at things, isn't it?  
~ Becky

My parents had the very good fortune to
travel to India last January.  While they
were overwhelmed by the amazing sites
and contrast between natural beauty and
dire poverty, that isn't what springs to
mind when they think of India.

It's her lovely people.

Something like 80% 
of those living in India
exist in worse conditions than 
the poorest of the poor living in 
America, earning two dollars
or less per day.

Yet they are happy.
They are content.
They are grateful.

Because many Indian religions
 teach that if they are good
people in this life, their 
lot in the next will improve,
these humble people are
accepting of their lives,
happy for what they have
and not focused on what
they do not have.

I want to remember this
truth about how they live
when a lilting Indian voice
answers the next call about 
my Macy's bill : )  Humble
people, working hard
and leading a humble life.

If I truly listen
I can learn a little bit more
about myself this year, too.

Each interaction with another person 
is an opportunity to see things a little differently....
to put myself in their imagine a world 
that is outside my own and to refocus my lens 
on that which is true and good and meaningful.

What resolution is at the top
of your list this year, my friends?
Big or small,
important or incidental
I would love to hear
what is on your horizon
for 2011.

And here's a toast,
from me to you.....
Let's celebrate all that
is unique and wonderful
and worthwhile about
this journey that we 
are all on together.


Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame
 by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes 
the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light.
~ Albert Schweitzer

Happy New Year!


PS:  Between spotty
internet at my parent's and 
the flu, I haven't been able to
make many blog visits this
week.  I'm hoping to be
back in the saddle soon!

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