Running the Track

Earlier this week, I posted
some thoughts entitled,
When Do We Stop Running?
Word Woman Wednesday.

I woke up last week thinking
about what post I wanted to
use for WWW and this one
 seemed to rise to the surface 
of my sleepy mind.

Ironically, when I booted up my
computer that morning, I had
a lovely comment waiting 
for me, part of which said this:

You are secretly becoming
my virtual mentor, being
just a teeny bit further down
the track of life than me.


Track of life.

Love that.

View from the high school
track near my parent's home
in Washington State.  My
favorite real track to run.

At the end of this particular
post, I pledged to run more.
Not figuratively, but
spiritually....grabbing all
that life has to offer.

Did I do what I set
out to do when I earnestly
penned those words last
year and floated them out
to the universe?


But the funny thing is,
this spiritual running has
actually caused me to
pause more often, to
really see my life
and my blessings
and the world around
me in a different light.

Because once you
realize you're in the second
half of the race, things
begin to take on a new
focus, and you hold
everything that is
dear to you a little
tighter.  And you begin
imprinting all that is
beautiful and good
and true on your
heart as you whiz
around that track.

At least, I do.

My mom....Setting the pace : )
I like the metaphor
of life as a track.  I've
always enjoyed having
friends of various ages,
both older and younger.
I know many people who
 are only comfortable
with those they consider
contemporaries.  Not me.  
really enjoy my younger 
friends, realizing that although 
they are a few laps behind me,
their experiences have a
texture all their own,
because the view has
changed since I was there.

The world has changed.

{Who is cheering you on
as you run your life's track?}
The same goes for those
ahead of me on the track.
The things that they have
seen and experienced are
unique and not necessarily
what's lying ahead for me.
I can learn a lot from what
they have already observed
as they've run their laps.

Are there days when
I don't notice the view?
Of course.  Life
is busy and messy and
complicated and some
days it's all about getting
through it, not soaking in 
the panorama.

But I regret those days.

Until my laps around this
track are complete, I
will fight hard to keep
my eye on the



I hope you'll join me.

Let's go....


Click here  if you'd like
to read my guest post at
The House of Belonging : )


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