Can You Hear Me Now?

Like a lot of you,
I love words.
Words in books.
Words in art.
Words on jewelry.
Words on just
about anything.

For 2011, I even
chose a word to linger
in my mind and sit 
upon my heart.

I chose L I S T E N.

As in stop talking and
let the other person talk.

As in listen to all of
the beautiful sounds
that make up my life.

My kids laughter over
a shared secret or
Gracie barking at the
UPS man....The birds
beginning their songs
early in the morning.
The comforting drone
of a baseball game in
the background.
The clocks ticking
when I am home alone.

As in listen to what
someone is truly saying....

I want my home to be a haven.
{When my husband voices concern
if the house is a mess.}

I want to be loved even
when I'm unlovable.
{When one of my kids
gets sassy after a bad day.}

I want to feel connected.
{When someone laments a
lack of friends.}

As in listen to my heart more
and my head less.

As in listen to God and what
His plan is for me.

As in listen when others
are seeking out help.

Because hearing 
and listening
aren't really the same,
are they?

I've tuned in to tentative 
remarks recently ~ both from real-
life friends and from anonymous
ones on-line ~ indicating that
they don't know how to 
leave comments on blogs.

I did hear you.
I remember how that feels.
You want to join 
in the conversation.

Easy-peasy.  Just click
on the this great tutorial,
for some guidance.

To make commenting easier, I
would recommend opening a Blogger
account.  Blogger, a subsidiary
of Google, is a free service.  
Opening  a Blogger account does 
not commit you to writing a blog. 
Even my friends who write blogs using 
other blogging platforms or those who only 
read blogs have Blogger accounts. It will let 
you link up your e-mail address as well 
as create a profile of yourself with 
as much or as little info as you want to share.

Then, you will have a Blogger name.

You can even add a picture of your
smiling face or your dog or whatever
you'd like to represent YOU.

You can get started, here.

Examples of fun profile pics

And for those of you who consider
yourself old pros at leaving comments,

Why haven't you edited your Blogger
profile to allow an e-mail response from blog
writers, hmmmm?  

When I get a very
moving comment and then write a
reply only to have your address come up 
as no-reply blogger when I hit send,
I am a 
unhappy camper.

Maybe you don't know how to enable
e-mail response to your comments.
Perhaps you didn't even realize that you 
needed to enable anything.

Well, you do!

So please follow these super-
 simple instructions
to make sure that
your {virtual} mailbox
isn't duct-taped shut.

If you're uncomfortable using your personal 
e-mail address, you can always set one
 up just for blogging, which is what I did.  
No mixing e-mails from school or my book club 
or my mother-in-law with my blog comments : ) !!

Are you listening to 
your life?

Are you really?

Then you know.

You are important.
You are relevant.
You have a voice.

Now.....use it wisely!
And send me some love.
Pretty please : )
I'm listening.

To listen well is as powerful 
a  means of influence as to talk well,
and is as essential to all true conversation.
~ Chinese Proverb



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