A New Kind of Day Care?

When the holidays rolled in, did you ever find yourself glaring at your younger sister when she opened her revamped version of your favorite toy? This brings present envy to a whole new level. According to MSNBC, the International Spa Association is reporting that nearly half of the 14,000 spas in the U.S. are offering Child and Teen services. Children in grade school are receiving services such as massages, nail care, facials and hair removal. At Eclips Kid's Day Spa in McLean, Va. little Ashley and Suzzie are ditching the clowns and princesses and having their birthday parties at the spa. Eclips has done so well they are opening a second, larger location in Asburn, Va. When did the old school Birthday Bashes go out of style? When did eight year-olds have style? Instead of gold stars and cartoon time, parents are using the spa as a reward. “My daughter is a good girl and she makes good choices." Says Kiddie Spa supporter Pam Cappo. "I want to reward her and let her know that I appreciate that she’s a good kid.” Whether all this pampering is creating a new crop of princesses or girls fixated on beauty too young, is too soon to call. -Gabrielle Katz, Sephora


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