I have a possible dupe for you guys! Well, depending on your definition of dupe, I suppose. I purchased OPI's AYQ & C for about $8.00. Then a week later, I found Maybelline's Khaki Fringe at my local Dollar Tree (go check it out if you have one near you. AMAZING!). I knew when I bought it, that I may have a dupe for my newly acquired AYQ & C. I was excited for all of you who get to save money now, but sad for me, since I'd spent eight bucks on that sucker! Although now that I'm looking at the side-by-side comparison, I can't be too disappointed in AYQ & C, because it's one of my favorite nail polishes that I own.
Below: Taken with no flash.
I wouldn't call it obvious that they are two different shades, but they aren't exact dupes either. To tell you the truth, I didn't take off this swatch...I just painted the rest of my nails with AYQ & C and called it a day. I'd bet a lot of money that no one noticed. However, up close, there are differences. AYQ & C looks best with 3 coats and is very thin and a tad difficult to work with. Khaki Fringe was thicker (maybe because it was so old!) and needed only 2 coats, but it also was difficult to work with. The brush strokes are much more obvious with Khaki Fringe, and this shade is slightly lighter than the OPI. AYQ & C has a cool effect making it appear to be layered over black, even though it's not. Overall, while Khaki Fringe only costs $1.00, AYQ & C is a much better polish. $7.00-$8.00 better? That's for you to decide. As for me, I still love my AYQ & C. It's frikkin awesome! Thanks for reading!
Thank you Kelsea, for taking the time to be a guest blogger for me, and for such a nice comparison piece. If you'd like to be a guest blogger, just send me an eMail and let me know.
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