September Monthly Contest!

September's Monthly Contest winner will receive the complete 12 piece set of OPI's Burlesque Winter/Holiday Collection. I am uncertain as to the exact release date at this time, but I believe it's mid-September or shortly thereafter. Therefore, this contest will end September 18, because I want the winner to know they've got this coming to them before it's readily available and they purchase them. The polishes will ship to you from Victoria Nail Supply if you are in the US, or from me if you are International (although I'll warn you, I've had a few delays/issues with International shipping as of late).
The Rules:
~You must be a Follower to enter.

~Send me an eMail to enter and include BURLESQUE as the subject line, your first name and at least your last name's first initial, and your eMail address.

~Entries due by midnight September 18, 2010


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