Body & Soul September Contest

With all of the new collections coming up, I thought it might be nice to offer a gift certificate this month so you could choose some polishes that you want. I've partnered with Victoria Nail Supply to fulfill a $50.00 gift certificate for the winner, and they have kindly added a complete set of 6 full sized Color Club Treatments (pictured above) to the prize package. VNS is not yet set up to ship outside of the U.S., and I understand and appreciate that a number of my followers are from other countries. If the winner is from another country, I'll have your order shipped to me, then I'll ship it on to you, so that solves any shipping issues. If you'd like to enter, send me an e-mail with the words September Contest in the subject line and include your e-mail address. Contest ends 9/16/09 at midnight and the winner will be notified 9/17/09. YOU MUST BE A FOLLOWER TO ENTER THE MONTHLY CONTESTS. Most of the other contests I have are open to anyone.
I have e-mailed the winners of the Fall Frenzy giveaway for the Barielle All Lacquered Up Collection, The Color Club Wild at Heart Collection and the Color Club Dark Romance Collection. As soon as I hear back from them, I'll announce their names in my next post.


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