Now wouldn't you think a polish that looked so promising in the bottle, would look nice on the nail? That was not the case unfortunately, with Revlon's Amber Ablaze. I saw this at Walmart a few months ago, and naturally, the gold intertwined with the coppery color caught my eye. I can never pass up a gold-laced color, and am always mesmerized by their veil of golden shimmer over whatever the base color may be. Perhaps there's not enough contrast between the gold and the base color of this one, because it just looks like a copper shimmer, once applied. And it's not even that pretty of a shade of copper. This shade actually photographed better than it looks in real life. So what we have here is a polish that looks stunning in the bottle, but not so much on the nail, and also a polish that photographs well, but is actually quite plain and nothing outstanding color or finish-wise in real life. Amber Ablaze, you are a trickster!
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