
It's been a
whirlwind week
and as I'm finally
sitting here,
dinner done,
tea poured, 
candle lit,
window open
to the dusk and
crisp autumn air,

I've had a few
minutes to think
about the wonderful
warriors that I've
encountered this 
week, both in my
real life and
in the extension of
that life that is my
blogging community.

Warriors? you are
probably thinking....
What is this,
Afghanistan?  Iraq?

No, but Julie's first born
did come home from
Afghanistan this week!

Justin and his dad reunited
A real warrior....as is
his mom, who is holding
down the fort as her husband
starts a new job out of 
state.....and faces the end of her
 own mom's life journey. 

Another warrior.

Warriors come in many forms,
you know.

The ever so patient daughter 
who is now like the parent to 
her 93 year old mother.

{I love you, Mom.}

The man who heads out into 
an uncertain working world each day,
responsibilities cloaking him like armor.

{I love you.}

The beautiful family friend who
fought an inspirational battle against cancer.....
and her loving husband, who was holding
her hand 'til the end.

{Astrid, we miss you.}

The grandparents who find themselves 
tea party activists, fighting for
 their grandchildren's futures.

{Got to love them!}

The pregnant woman cradling
a baby in her womb that
has a higher than normal
chance of miscarriage.

{My little niece or nephew:
I love you already.}

A special needs young woman who bravely
interviewed {and landed!}her first 
career job at Goodwill....
And her mom, cheering her on outside
in the car.....

{Way to go, Erin!}

A suburban mom with a balding head,
duking it out with breast cancer 
near Chicago.....

{Always with you, Kathleen.}

And a woman from North Carolina,
Rene, who is walking three days
this weekend for her and for 
all the women like her.

{Thank you Rene and Team!}


We are surrounded by warriors
their grace

their dignity

their courage

every day
they are all around us.

I'd like to give them
all a big hug by joining
my friend Melissa's
Friday Flowers, dedicating
these blooms to all those
warriors who inspire.

They do.

Julie's blog: 3&4
Rene's blog: 12
Privet & Holly: 1,2,5,7,9,13
Google images: 8,10,11
Flickr: 6; click for attribution]


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