Calorie Restriction Diets: Eat less, look younger?

I'm obsessed with this NY Times article: One for the Ages: A Prescription That May Extend Life. In it, they show two different monkeys. Canto, who's 25 (old for a monkey in captivity) has been on a caloric restriction diet his whole life, and he looks and acts half his age. Owen, 26, has been eating like a normal monkey for his whole life, and looks old, is frail and moves slowly. The implication is that caloric restriction slows the aging process. But from a beauty perspective, it does what we want every anti-aging product to do--makes you look younger. Check out the picture of Mike (scroll down in the article), a 36 year old who has been following a caloric restriction diet for 6 years. He's practically emaciated (6 feet tall and 135 lbs) but he looks like he's 16! This approach, called caloric restriction, involves eating about 30 percent fewer calories than normal while still getting adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. According to the Times article, aside from direct genetic manipulation, calorie restriction is the only strategy known to extend life consistently in a variety of animal species. It's really intriguing, but is it worth it? Would I give up cupcakes in favor of a few more years and a few less wrinkles? I'm not so sure...I really love cupcakes.


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