China Glaze Sun Worshiper & Konad M10

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I have a fun one for you today: China Glaze Sun Worshiper with the paw print pattern from Konad plate M10.  I love Sun Worshiper.  It's such a unique yellowish orange, and so neon it nearly glows in the dark.  I also broke into Konad plate M10 for the first time with this manicure - I got the plate specifically for this pattern.

I would have been better off using two coats of Orly White Out and a couple coats of Sun Worshiper than using Sun Worshiper on its own.  I don't even know how many coats this is - I lost count.  I just know I like the color, but a white base would have cut down on total coats required.

For the stamping, I used Konad Black Pearl. For smaller patterns, it looks no different than Black, but does not smudge with top coat.  So I used a zillion coats of Sun Worshiper, a coat of Diamont and drying drops, waited a bit and washed off the drops, then stamped and just added another coat of Diamont with no smudges.

China Glaze Sun Worshiper Nail Polish with Konad Plate M10
China Glaze Sun Worshiper Nail Polish and Konad Plate M10 in Black Pearl

Now I'll tell you why I wanted this pattern - if you don't care, please skip to the end.  

I had the best dog who ever lived, so I'm partial to puppy footprints.  Mine was a black miniature poodle, but when he was a puppy we gave him an XL studded black leather collar which he wore all his and life I still have, and which my dad cut down and added extra holes to so it would be small enough for his neck, making him  one badass poodle.  No bows and puffballs for this one.  My parents had his uncle, and mine would "help" the uncle play tug-of-war with my dad by holding on to the uncle's ear and pulling with all his might.  When he got older, my guy was blind and deaf but still happy, but we eventually put him to sleep when his arthritis got really bad - he was such a good dog that he'd be perfectly quiet in the house, then howl in pain when he'd go out in the yard.  He died about a year before my mom did, so he's not that long ago.  He was also smart and really beautiful - he'd been reserved to be a show dog, but at 12 weeks there was a developmental glitch that made him imperfect, so I got him.  The very best dog ever.  So I like this pattern because it makes me think of him traipsing around leaving his delicate little footprints.  That's a happy thought for me.

That's the manicure and the story I have for you today, Dear Reader.  Until next time, love and nail polish to you!  


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