Chanel Morning Rose

Good morning, Dear Reader, and Happy Mother's Day!

I said I'd pass on the Summer 2011 nail colors, but as a result of a convoluted chain of events that I'll explain in the post for Mimosa, Chanel's corporate office sent me Morning Rose and Mimosa, but it wasn't really for review.  But that's a tale for another day, I just thought I'd get the disclosure bit out of the way because I always forget that sort of thing at the end of a post.  I chose Morning Rose to wear today because it's a color my mom would like, and I think the reason I have it is that I have a big streak of her in me - I've personally witnessed her getting refunds on produce that wasn't up to her standards, so it seemed a fitting homage.

Chanel does some really great pinks, and I'd count Morning Rose amongst them.  It's a delicate rose with big (for a Chanel) gold shimmer bits that show up well on the nail.  I needed three coats for completely opaque coverage, but I'd wager the fact that it's sheer enough to need three coats is why the shimmer shows up so well, so that's a perfectly good trade off to me.  Here it is in the sun after it dried.

Chanel Morning Rose
Chanel Morning Rose Nail Polish, Three Coats

Pretty, isn't it?  It's the one that I truly coveted from this release, and it lives up to what I'd hoped for.

For something not blog-related, I've been digging around looking at old pictures on a CD, and I ran into some good ones of my mother.  Since I can't actually present her with something for Mother's Day, but she loved being the center of attention with the more eyes on her the better, I figured I'd show you just a few that show off her spirit well.  I like to believe she's in heaven revelling in the extra attention today, most likely giving God plenty of unsolicited advice on how He might want to do a few things differently all the while (and is throwing her head back and laughing now because she really was giving advice).

My mom loved the good things in life, and always took time to smell the roses (or tulips, as the case may be). This one's in 1969, when she was 38.  I look so eerily much like her that it creeps out some of my older cousins, and even I see it here.

My Mom Pre-Me, 1969

She loved me a whole lot - this is when I was brand spankin' new two years later.

Mom & Me

Here's the last, just because it's fun.  My mom wore a super conservative, flying-nun variety habit for eighteen years, and in this picture of us chillin' on the stoop on Chicago's northwest side, you can see that she heartily embraced the more colorful giant prints of the day as an expression of autonomy.  You should have seen some of the wallpaper we had...

Chillin' on the Stoop

That little red afro I'm sporting is her doing because she cut my hair as a regular thing until I was about five.  She also made most of my dresses, including this one, so I always ran around with an incredibly bad haircut and some over the top cool dresses.  She did both of those things and many more because money was tight - she left the convent in 1968, and for eighteen years of service she got her education and $600 to start a new life.  She did a fine job.

I know from emails I've received that there are several readers walking through the grief of a mother's death, and today I have some good news for you.  Not one tear has dropped writing this, but I've giggled a good bit, so it gets better.  I still cry because I miss her plenty, but now I can write and talk about her without tears sometimes and I'm mostly just grateful for the time she was around.  It's been a matter of simply waiting some stuff out, facing and moving past the rest, and it gets better, so hang in there.

That's Chanel Morning Rose and my little Mother's Day tribute to one really good mom.  Until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!


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