Thanks for all the kind comments and the emails about the job thing - I really appreciate them. I'll reply to all, but I thought I'd mention it explicitly since it seems a little empty the 30th time I respond with "Thanks," but it's not and the support really helps and is appreciated.
In hopeful anticipation of having job interviews this week, when I swapped out the soak off gel yesterday, I switched to a French manicure. It sparkles, but is otherwise just a traditional French. I haven't worn a French manicure in a while, but I recently saw a picture from a few years ago where my nails were about this length with a sparkly French and I liked how it looked. In the days when I was an IT manager and unaware of quick dry top coat, my solution to a mid-week break or just not having a block of time available where I could change polish with it air drying between coats was to go to this super young (nineteen year old) manicurist who was exceptionally good, and I'd get a French because she was so skillful at doing them well. She's apply the white, then go over each nail line with an acetone dipped brush to make the line perfect and very clean, and she was an absolute perfectionist. I considered that and realized that I do like French manicures, but only with a pretty white tip with a really clean line, much cleaner than I can do freehanding with polish. I thought I'd give it a shot with the gel and see how I did, and I'm pleased.
I read some tips before this application, as I'm finding out new things just by doing the gel. One is that it's like polish with respect to variance in consistency - it's not IBD gel that's hard to remove, it's glitters, and cremes remove really easily. I found a nail tech's site (that is, a site authored by a nail tech rather than one written for them) with some tips, many of which seemed like they'd complicate the bejeebers out of it, but one I took was to disregard manufacturer claims about gel being self-leveling and to buff it before the sealer. She also talked about some interesting techniques to manipulate the gel with partial curing, but I just bookmarked it since I'm not at that point yet.
French Manicure with Lots of Glitter |
So the manicure isn't perfect, but it ain't half bad for using a couple of new tricks, and without magnification it looks pretty good. I don't really see altering this one too much other than adding a pattern to it here and there, so I likely won't have a ton of posts this week. I just like how nice and clean a French manicure can look, and if it sparkles, I'll be content with it for a while.
That's the update on the nail front. I have lots and lots to keep me busy this week, so I might miss posting a few days, but I'll be around. Until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!
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