Yes, I am in Vacaville...Vacaville,'s a long story..we will get to that later..I promise...seriously...I will...
I am here with my brother...we have been here since last Thursday. It has been an experience I will never ever ever never never ever never ever forget.
Just one of the experiences I had yesterday..just one of the many experiences I have had, was meeting Christa Black. Yes, that is a picture of Christa Black. Look her up on you for Black Monday...
Christa and I are Now BFF's....ha...not really...however she is BFF caliber...she is funny..irreverent..wears the cutest boots..writes songs and gives them the best titles...all the things I look for in a best friend...ha..not really...ok..sorta..but most of all she is REAL and BEAUTIFUL...not just because she has legs that start somewhere in middle earth and keep going...or because she wears this cool shirt that zips up the back..or that her hair starts from the upper atmosphere and stops near her waist..(forgive my issues with being shorter and losing my hair as a result of the cancer). She is beautiful because she reflects amazing love. Oh and she can she can sing...
We talked and high-fived and exchanged email address...well hers is her name with .com after it...duh..
Anywho, I dare you to not like her. More later...
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