The dream

Ok, just so that you may look like I am freaking out but I am really not freaking out. This blog is all about telling the true story and at times that can be a bit risky...for me...not for you... cancer..blah blah blah..made decisions...blah blah..learning lessons...yada have heard all that. But you know it is kinda weird. A year or so ago I laid down for a bit of a nap. During that blissful moment of first sleep I see something in my mind. I see me. I am about 3 years old...I have a head full of curls..I am wearing a little navy blue dress with short puffed sleeves and a white collar with white bric-a-brac. I was laying on my tummy in a field of grass, propped up on my elbows and there was a big smile on my face. Lying on his tummy facing me was Jesus. No kidding. He was in his Jesus clothes and he had shoulder length brown hair and kind of a biggish nose and he and I began to giggle. I remember he had a nice smile and his teeth were really white even though I don't think he ever used a toothbrush. (Those are the kind of things you think about when you're 3.)
As we smiled and giggled Jesus picks one of those tiny daisies from the grass and he gives it to me and says..."So that I may supply."
He said it loud enough that it actually woke me up. I looked at the clock, thinking I had been asleep for a while but my eyes had only been closed for 5 minutes. So I laid back and thought about what just happened. It was so weird. I was thinking about how happy and safe I felt, how I could smell the grass and how it was cold and a little damp and that a little bit of my hair would blow across my face and I would brush it back. I also thought about Jesus and what he was wearing and the way he looked at me and the sound of his giggle and how he spoke in an incomplete what?
More on this tomorrow


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