Sally Hansen Ultra HD: DVD

I noticed on the display of these newest shades in the Sally Hansen HD line, that these are called "Ultra" HD, as opposed to the original HD's--it makes me wonder what's next from Miss Sally and how much we should be looking forward to them. What might they be called? Super-Charged Ultra HD's? Or maybe Mega De-Luxe Ultra HD's? I don't know, but if they keep coming out with these, I know I'll be buying them!

Above & Below: Even though DVD took 3 coats, not including an extra coat on the tips, it redeems itself to me every time I look at it. The formula on this one was thinner and more sheer than the others I've tried so far from this line.
Above & Below: All of these photos were taken outside in various lighting. This purple-ish blue shade reminds me of RBL's Scrangie--only on steroids.

Below: This photo shows just how different it looks in the sunlight vs. the shade.
Below: When I think of Sally Hansen duo chrome finishes, this is what comes to mind--Sally Hansen Nail Prisms in Emerald Amethyst. This is a polish that changes drastically with every move of your hand.
Below: While DVD does not pack that kind of punch as a duo chrome, it does have some slight duo chrome to it, ranging from blue to purple.
Below: It's still very pretty though, don't you think?
Below: A look at the color range and finish of DVD.
I recommend that you buy these. After trying 4 of them, I've come to the conclusion that these are necessary polishes to add to your collection. Seriously though, I'm really having fun swatching these because they're just different. Not to mention beautiful! Each one has me oohing and aahing both indoors and outdoors. Nice job Sally. Now bring your prices down a bit and make your collections easier to find and more accessible to everyone, and you'll make us all very happy!


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