Sleep... where have you gone?

Oh how I remember the good ol' days. Those nights when I fell asleep and stayed asleep.
Those nights have been hard to come by lately. Instead they have been replaced with staring at the ceiling, rolling over and then back again a few hundred times, taking a cancer inventory, thinking about my kids, starting a load of laundry, praying for a few hours, checking the clock and more.
It seems I get out of bed more tired than the night before.
A very hardworking friend once said that "Sleep is a weakness." It was funny at the time. Ok, it's still funny now, even with my perspective change.
I don't think that the robbing of every estrogen cell from my body is helping either. But such is the treatment.

So I guess what I am saying is, if you have any prayer requests let me know. It seems I have an extra 6 or 7 hours to fill.


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