What's in a name?

Beauty lies in the true story. I like that. I believe that. The truth is beautiful.
I find that a lot of people don't like the truth. I know I don't like it when the Dr. tells me the cancer is progressing, or I have to start new unpleasant treatment or my less than great test results came in. It makes life harder....but it also makes life better. When we have truth we can begin to heal. It's real...it's what "is".

I want to live a life that is true. I want to always tell you a truthful story, no matter how many times I am tempted not to. The story has no value without truth.

Sorry I have dropped by again with less humor than normal...but....
"I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An Elephant's word 100%"-Horton the Elephant-


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