The watched pot

I am wondering if I should just apologize up front for the lameness of this blog. I mean it's true and everything but certainly not my best work...or maybe it will I will just forge ahead.

I think to myself, "I would like a cup of tea." So I grab the teapot and fill it with water, turn on the burner and set it on the stove. Then I sit and wait. Within a minute or two I'm thinking, "Good grief this is taking a long time." Next comes, "Maybe the stove isn't working right." "I bet that burner isn't hot enough." "Holy cow! This is taking entirely too long for me." "How long am I going to have to sit here and wait?"
Then the thought comes, "Who said you had to sit there?" "Well, I guess I did" my inside voice says. "Why?" "Well, I really wanted this, so I thought if I waited right there and focused on it, it would happen faster. I guess I am a little desperate for some tea."
Then the thought said, "It will happen but not any faster than it would if you weren't sitting there staring at it and getting all snarky about it.
Go and do something, and before you know it you'll hear the whistle and it will be tea time."

The End


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