Finding It

Have you felt
this holiday season?

That burst of 
Christmas joy
dancing to get out
the quiet anticipation
you carry in your heart?
Or maybe
your it
isn't dancing
or quiet, but

I must admit
there were years 
I have felt it
and other years

Not sure why
in those years I
found it rather
but in others,
I had to search.

This year, I'm
still looking, seeking,
yearning for that
inner joy that says
YES, it's Christmas.
Despite the decorations,
the special lunches,
even the advent candles,
I'm still looking for
my own Christmas star.

I felt a wisp of it
this morning when
I took Gracie out to
get the paper.....
It was still dark and
snow was coming
down softly, like
a snow globe. 

 I've lived through 
countless snowy 
winters, but falling
snow still makes my
 soul sing.  And suddenly,
I found myself
floating back towards
the house, pj pants
sticking out from under
my coat, feet stuffed
into warm boots 
and a smile on my face.

For meit 
can't be found
in the big productions
 large gatherings,
shops or mailbox,
but in the small
things, if I 
remember to
see them with
my heart.

This little story
from Robert Fulghum's
Christmas Friarworks
sums it up for me.....

Uh-oh, here comes Christmas

When Sam was three years old he attended the Little School of Seattle.
Which met in the basement of a church.
And kept its general supplies in the foyer of the women's restroom.
Sam discovered this treasure trove one morning late in November.
Therein was a king-sized canister full of red glitter.
Upside down over his head.  All over the restroom.
And down the hall and around the corner and into the Director's office.
But before anyone could mutter Oh-my-God-what-a-mess,
Sam sang out ~ hands in the air, laughter on his face,
You know what?  YOU KNOW WHAT?!

There's Christmas in the bathroom.
And therein lies the message.
Beauty, so said the ancients, is in the eye of the beholder.
And Christmas is and ever will be found where it's looked for.
Most often close by, most always very underfoot.
Hidden away in the cupboards of our lives, waiting
to be rediscovered in a rebirth of wonder.
Waiting to be dumped over our hard heads like blessing oil.
Waiting to be scattered like red glitter
on the walls and hallways of dark December.

Christmas will be found ~
In closeted memories, vision, hopes, fears,
half-forgotten songs and muddled stories of a
child of long ago and in the story of a child named Sam.

Christmas will be found ~
Even in bathrooms ~ by those who know how to see.

Have you 
found it, yet?

Where do 

Here's to a 
weekend filled
with Christmas magic,
whether dancing or quiet.


PS:  Thanks for all
the wonderful comments
about the Christmas Rolls.
You can click here for
a condensed version of the
recipe.  Enjoy!

all images:  
Privet & Holly


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