Open Happiness

Via Haverford House

Every time that I
leave my parents,
I go through a little
grieving process
a little boo-hoo
a little pity party

We live 1500 miles
apart, so I only see
them three, maybe
four times a year.

I was very fortunate
to visit them this
fall.  As I was reading
a magazine on the
airplane flying home,
trying to distract myself
from my usual
"parting blues," the
flight attendant brought
me my diet Coke.

And the Coca-Cola
message on the little
napkin caught my eye.


My breath caught in
my throat as I considered
this directive, which 
almost seemed aimed

Open Happiness.

And I did.

I opened the joy of
not only having parents,
but parents who love
and encourage me ~
Who have always
always been there
for me, despite our
geographical distance.
Parents who, through
the grace of technology,
I can connect with any
time that I want to,
in a myriad of ways.

M&D Summer 2010
Imagine this distance
100 years ago!  There
was no telephone system
reaching the West Coast
until 1915.....We would
be exchanging letters and
maybe seeing each other
once a year, most
likely by train.

Open Happiness.

I still have that little
napkin, creased and
rumpled, pinned to
my bulletin board.
Each time it catches
my eye, it makes
me smile.  It makes
me feel happy
and grateful
and blessed.

As someone who
loves words
I do recognize
when they appear
in my life as signs.....
Small flags or
beacons reminding
me to pay attention
and love this life
I've been blessed
to receive.

At Christmastime 
these messages don't just
speak to me....

They roar.

I have included a link to
a short Youtube video
at the end of this post
that opens my happiness
every time I watch it.

From the video
Please view this.
 Please, please.
Be sure to turn your speakers on!

Today it is my gift
to you.  When you watch
it, not only will you be
opening happiness,
but I believe,
opening your heart.

Big Christmas hugs
as you make your way
through this wacky,
wonderful world, today!


I would like to dedicate this post to the memory of
Steven Russell Berrell, who died 22 years ago, today,
over Lockerbie, Scotland on Pan AM Flight 103.  He
was 19 years old, a student at Syracuse University
and the brother of a dear friend of my family.  My
wish for his family is that when they think of Steven
this Christmas, they only open 
the happiest of memories.

Please click here to watch this 
brought to you by Youtube!  

Flickr: 2-3, 6, 8-9 {click for talent}
Privet and Holly:  4-5, 7, 11
Youtube:  10


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