
It seems that every year I am overwhelmed with the desire to bake a whole bunch of Christmas cookies. It never seems to happen though. I may get a batch or two made but then the time is gone and so are the cookies.
Today however, I am going to make Christmas cookies. They may not be perfect or completely homemade...but there will be cookies, lots of cookies, on a plate when my kids get home from school.

I am feeling a bit better today than I have been. I gotta grab on to these days and goooooooooooooooooo get as much done as I can. Dad-gum-it there is going to be some joy in my house whether anyone wants it or not! The kitchen will be clean and the clothes will be folded...I think....and there will be the smell of cookies in the air and everyone will like it. And I am just talking to myself now aren't I?!
Well then so be it. I am off to buy some eggs and things. And when they ask me if I want "paper or plastic" I am going to answer them with "I'll take Joy" at which time they may send someone to get me dish washing soap, but I won't care.


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