
'Tis the season to
be jolly.  But I
have a secret.
At Christmastime,
I cry.
A lot.

Not big sobbing
but the
silent tears
that slide from 
the corners of my 
eyes when
I am moved.

What, you
ask, could cause
crying at

It's little things
and big things
old things and
new things.

Singing those timeless
carols for the first
time each year, my
voice joining others as
the tunes float above
us to the rafters.
A tear.

Unwrapping ornaments
that hold such dear memories
of a time, a place or
a person.
Another tear.

Have Yourself A
Merry Little Christmas
always brings a tear
when I listen to
this part....
Through the
years we all will
be together, if
the fates allow.

Because, of course,
at some point,
they don't allow.

I miss toasting
Christmas cheer
with my grandma.
She is 93 but she
no longer toasts
and she no longer
knows who I am.
Even though she
is still with us,
I miss her.

I also miss my other
grandma who started
a Christmas account
at her bank every
January because she
loved Christmas so
very very  much.
She and my grampa
raised five boys in a
humble home but she
made sure that Christmas
was magic for their boys.

I miss Mom's brother.
He had a great big
laugh and relished
the small gifts life offered
{including Mom's
Christmas cookies!}.
He died at only 52,
14 short years ago.
My mom still bakes
his favorites, though.
We savor them and think
of his love for Christmas
and for us.  And for a 
moment, Uncle Doug 
is here.

Naturally, that's life.
It is like a train that you
share with other passengers
for part of your trip;
eventually they get off
and others hop on.

The others make me smile.
New companions on this
life train, bringing fresh
joy to our journey.

But I am always wistful when
I think of the love, memories and
camaraderie I enjoyed with
those who have left the train.

Our minister always says
that we feel things more
keenly at Christmastime...
The joys are deeper
as are the sorrows.

I have a dear friend whose
 sister was in the hospital, 
dying, one Christmas season.  
My friend remembers 
spending precious time there
and then stepping out into
the cold sunshine of the
New York City streets
to head for her office,
where the world seemed
almost too merry.


She told me that when
her mind turns to that time,
she has to switch it off
and simply remember all
of the good memories from
the past and those she is
creating, right here, 
right now.

When my grandma still
had all of her memories, she
coped the same way when
she felt sad.

She counted her blessings.

And so, this is what I do, too.
And I find the taste of sadness
gives way to sweetness...
As I think about my warm, snug home;
people under its roof who love me,
laughter and smiles from holidays
past....and those yet to come.

The train continues on its journey.
Someday it will be my turn to
disembark and make room for
the others, but until then, I am
determined to enjoy the view,
the ride and this Christmas.

Right here.
Right now.

Thanks for sharing
my ride.



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