Back on the road

I am back on the road again today. This time I am off to see the Radiological Oncologist about treatment for my spine and two of my ribs.

There are a few issues at hand on this trip. First off, will I have time to stop and get a single tall nonfat gingerbread latte with half the flavor before I hit the road? Second, have these spots been radiated before? If they have, then it is my understanding that they can't be radiated a second time. Third, if they have not, then would it be best to use standard radiation as opposed to a more targeted version? If that is the case then another appointment is made at another hospital to see another Dr. who does that. Then the Dr. decides how long the treatment will be and off we go.

On the other hand, if these spots have been treated before it looks like Chemo is next on the list. Dr. Lee and I haven't had a chance to discuss this seems like something else is always coming up.

So another day to be faced and a few more choices to make,
So many times I've sat and wondered how much longer this will take.
Again I will try to focus on the good along the way....and I won't have time to get my coffee if I don't get on with it.....(sorry I didn't have time to rhyme the last line.)


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