
It's that time again
my friends.

Time to fall back
to standard time.
On Sunday morning,
November 7th,
North America,
Europe, Asia,
parts of Central America
and parts of Africa
will push back their 
clocks one hour.

Daylight Savings Time {DST},
known as Summer Time
in British English, is the
custom of temporarily
moving the clock ahead
one hour in the summertime
so that there is less light
in the mornings and more
in the afternoons.

This controversial system
was first proposed by
New Zealander George
Vernon Hudson in 1895.
Hudson was a shift-worker
whose hobby as a
bug collector was dictated
by the number of sunlight
hours available to him after
work hours.  

Englishman William Willet
independently thought of
DST in 1905 while riding
his horse before breakfast,
when it was light, while many
of his countrymen were still
sleeping, but it was not
adopted by most of Europe
until 1916.  It was adopted
by the United States in 1918.

Benefits of DST include
economics {retailing,
sports and tourism}
 and safety.  The thought is 
that people spend more 
when there is greater evening
daylight and there is thought
to be reduced traffic fatalities 
and violent crime during DST.

Drawbacks of DST include
less working hours for farmers 
whose day laborers have fewer 
hours of prime time sun
and less darkness for 
evening entertainment
venues such as drive-in movies.

Our friends in the Southern
Hemisphere have just
started DST in the last month,
since they are currently 
entering springtime.

Daylight Savings Time
has been wrapped
in controversy since
its inception.
Winston Churchill said
that DST enlarges "the opportunities
 for the pursuit of health and
 happiness among the millions of 
people who live in this country."

Opponent Robertson Davies
argued that DST is "the bony,
 blue-fingered hand of Puritanism, 
eager to push people into bed earlier,
and get them up earlier, to make them 
healthy, wealthy and wise 
in spite of themselves" 

Do you like the ritual
of falling back or 
springing forward?

When my family lived in
Indiana from 1993-1997,
the portion of the state we lived
in didn't follow DST.

I liked that.

Is it better to
put children on
the bus in the dark....
or to have them
alight from it into


{Don't forget
to set your clocks!


images:  1,5-7, 9 flickr {click for attribution}
2, 3 Privet and Holly
4 & 8, Google Images


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