FingerPaints BCA Nail Polishes

Good evening, Dear Reader!

Sally Beauty Supply sent me samples of the two 2010 FingerPaints Breast Cancer Awareness nail polishes, and I have swatches of them for you today.  As for the charitable contribution associated with them, Sally Beauty Supply will make a $65,000 contribution to Cancer Support Community next month.

I Pink I Can is a light pink with a really cool shimmer.  It's delicate, but still pronounced.  I used three coats of I Pink I Can to make it completely even and opaque, which is pretty typical of a lighter pink.

FingerPaints I Pink I Can Polish
FingerPaints I Pink I Can Nail Polish, Three Coats

The other color is I'm A Survivor, which is a bright pink shimmer.  The shimmer in I'm A Survivor appears to be the same as that in I Pink I Can, but it's more evident in the darker base color.  I'm A Survivor was good in two coats.

FingerPaints I'm A Survivor Polish
FingerPaints I'm A Survivor Nail Polish, Two Coats

I really like these a lot, they're a nice change from the sheer pinks that are usually released for BCA.  This has been a really good year for BCA colors so far.

Both polishes will be available in brick and mortar Sally Beauty Supply stores as well as on their website on October 1st.

That's it for today, Dear Reader.  Until next time, love and nail polish to you!  


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