Striking Out the Blues

It's always hard
to say good-bye.

Those of you who
have read P and H for
a while, know that
I generally fall prey to
 the blues when I
say good-bye to my
parents and fly home...

For a while.

I have to talk myself
UP ~

count my blessings
smile at our summer memories
look forward to future visits

One of those UP thoughts
that often recurs is the one
about families living far, far
apart from one another
in the old days, before


before telephones
or even reliable mail service.

 In other words,
it could be much worse.

So it seemed fitting
that on our last night
in Washington State
the five of us
{me, kids, Mom and Dad}
got to step back in time
for one glorious evening.

Three things that I love
intersected and swept my
blues away for a few hours.

and baseball!

Seriously, as we sat under
huge trees, picnicking and
cheering on vintage baseball
teams at historic Fort Vancouver, 
it was like being a

See what I mean?

Imagine being a young solider
or a military wife in the 1860's....
Far, far away from family,
friends and all that you'd 
known and grown up with.

Imagine the time it would 
take, if it was even possible,
to go home, again.

Imagine how much you
would have to pack 
for such a journey.

Imagine doing the laundry
when you got back home!
{And the time and the
method to wash it.}

Gosh, I'm feeling better,

If you could step back in
time, when would it be?
I'd love to know.

As for me, I'll be right here,
 counting my blessings
and running lots and lots
and lots of laundry : )

Have a wonderful week!



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