
Sometimes during the healing process I have felt like I am doing absolutely nothing but sitting around. I have even been known to sit around for a while, then take a nap, and then sit around some more. Truth is, healing is hard work.

Just to heal a cut your body has to do a lot of gross stuff.
1. homeostasis...where your body starts forming a clot to stop the bleeding.
2. inflammation...where your body sends increased blood supply to the cut.
3. proliferative... the body creates new blood vessels so new tissue can form.
4. remodeling...this is where collagen is realigned and dead cells are destroyed.

That sounds like a lot of work to me....imagine what it must be doing all day every day fighting cancer....cancer that is in very many places....wow I am tired....thank goodness I am sitting down.

Added to the healing process is daily life...and lately daily life has had a few twists....not good ones...and let me just say this is really stressing me out. I don't have enough energy to be stressed out...

So here is my request...No more divorce, cancer, phlebitis, dermatitis, sinusitis, bursitis, abscesses, gallstones, knock knees or swollen gums until I am better.

It's not that I am not concerned about your problems, it's just that too many people are having them at the exact same time.

So I suppose I could whittle it down to one friend with several medium to large calamities like septic system failure or a severe mold problem in your basement.....
or a few friends with very minor problems say....an overdue parking ticket or a mosquito bite.....
Talk amongst yourselves


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