TAG....You're IT!

Image: flickr ~ emma freeman
The ravishing Terri, AKA "La Dolfina" from
the blog of the same name has tagged me
for a game....

.....where you reveal who your seventh
follower was
and then TAG seven more
to do the same.

Now, I'm not very scientific....
but, if I go back to the first "followers"
square and count backwards....
this is who appears:

It's the Fair Maiden
A dream of a blog
that was one of the first
to pull me into this
world.  This blogdom!

Image:  Sea Cottage
My heart truly skipped a beat
when I logged on that morning
{I write very early....5AM}
and there she was.
looking oh so ethereal
on my blog page!

Once you know that someone
is actually reading what has
been floating around in
your mind, it is truly an
exciting thing.

Image:  Wikipedia

Thank you, Fair Maiden!
And thank you to everyone
else who has been kind enough
to visit and see what I have
to say and to pop in on a regular
basis as a follower.

Now, back to the game.....

{I'd love to tag all of you!}

Tag, you are it to these lovely
blogging friends.....

Have fun catching your seven!

xx P&H


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