The to-do list

I am finally home. I left Anacortes before Thanksgiving to undergo 3 weeks of radiation to my jaw and my knee. This turned into my being away from "home" for over a month.

With all that has happened I was looking forward to coming home and relaxing....a cup of coffee, some TV, a long hot shower and days spent in my p.j's. What kind of fantasy land was I thinking I lived in?!

I came home to dishes in the sink, Christmas present chaos, unfinished laundry, suitcases to unpack, unpaid bills, papers to sign, kids to chauffeur, counters to clean and I think we are out of toilet paper.....again.

If you know me, you will chuckle at the picture above because I am ALWAYS writing everything I need to remember on my "palm" pilot...aka...the palm of my hand. You see, this way I can't leave it at home, or in the car, or loose it on the desk or in the abyss that is my purse.

With all that I have to do, I think I will actually need both palms in the next few days. So much for resting.....


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