
I passed this sign today.


{Not forever; just for
the winter season.}

Made me recall that
old saying, When one
door closes, another one

Instead of ice cream after
baseball games on sweltering
summer evenings, now it's hot
cider on chilly fall nights.

My son had his 12-nearly-13 year
 check up today.  At 5'11'', 
the days of me enfolding all
of him on my lap or in my
arms are over.....closed.  But
now when he accompanies
me on errands, he proudly
does the heavy lifting.

The last bloom on my rose
bush greeted me this morning,
a reminder that our precious
growing season is practically
closed.  But, as the garden gets
put to bed, so do worries about
watering, weeding and trimming!

My yoga group split up this 
fall after one member dropped
out, one moved and the host's
schedule made it tricky to meet
there anymore.  Closed, after five
 years of seeing each other twice, 
then more recently, once a week.  
Things like this run their natural 
course, said my wise hubby. 

He's right.

This winter I can fill that free hour
with snowshoeing or cross-country
skiing on the lake across the road.

Still accessorizing at 94 : )

My grandma, Gigi, sailed quietly
into her 94th year this fall, not
knowing most of the family that
loves her, a closure I will never
really get over.  But when I last
sat with her and observed her 
unique mannerisms and funny
expressions, which persist despite
dementia, I felt blessed with the
knowledge that~ no matter what ~
our true spirit remains with us
until we are called home.

Yes, seasons change.
Children grow.
Flowers wilt.
Friends disband.
Memories falter.

But, it's how we respond to
those closed doors that makes
all the difference.

All the difference.

What doors are swinging 
open for you, my friend?

I'd love to know.



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