A potpourri

My little niece turned three yesterday!
Here she is in her new tutu, lost
in her own potpourri of thoughts!

  1. (n.) A jar or packet of flower leaves, perfumes, and spices, used to scent a room.
  2. (n.) A piece of music made up of different airs strung together; a medley.
  3. (n.) A medley or mixture.
  4. (n.) A ragout composed of different sorts of meats, vegetables, etc., cooked together.
  5. (n.) A literary production composed of parts brought together without order or bond of connection.

I had planned to
share a couple
of projects that
I've been working
inspired by YOU...
But the biggest
one won't be
ready for a few

I harvested the
rest of my herbs
yesterday and strung
them to dry, which
reminded me of

refill your
coffee or tea while I meander 
through some 
random updates....a
of thoughts
from me to you.

1.  6 cups dried petals { such as roses, chamomile,
 honeysuckle, violets, lilac, lily of the valley, 
carnations, white jasmine and nasturtium}

My dear friend Kathleen
is recuperating from
her third round of chemo,
administered last Thursday.
Three down, three to
go!  Thank you to all
who have written to ask
how she is doing as well
as to those who sent her
sweet gifts via me : ) !!

2.  Add 1 1/2 tablespoons of a 
lemon herb, such as lemon geranium
or lemon balm.

I joined Twitter on
Friday.  Facebook is
probably next.  After
seeing The Social Network
last week, I decided it
was time to step into
the 21st Century!

Twitter symbol from The Guardian UK

3.   Add 1 1/2 tablespoons of cinnamon

I have FINALLY narrowed
down my choice of light
fixtures for our powder room.
However, now I'm considering
distressing the walls to look
like this inspiration photo.  And
maybe I'll start hunting flea markets
 for a different mirror.

4.  Add 1 1/2 tablespoons of  rosemary

Muchas gracias to all of you
sweet readers who took the
time to vote for my daughter's
design on Threadless.com!  With
your help, she garnered 625 votes.
  She inquired and was
told it takes one to two MONTHS
to hear whether or not a submitted
design will be offered as a tee shirt
on their site.  I'll keep you posted!

5.  Add 1/3 cup powdered fixative 
such as orrisroot and 3 drops of essential oil
both available at craft and florists shops. 
Add some citrus peel too.

We saw the movie Secretariat 
this weekend and despite what
some of the critics said, we found
it to be very touching and uplifting.
I love period pieces and true
stories and this one was both.

6.  Mix everything together and place 
in airtight jars. Let the mixture stand for
 4-6 weeks and shake the bottle to mix every week. 

We had family photos
taken two weeks ago
by a talented friend  who 
is also a photographer by
trade and received our
disk of photos yesterday.
I'm excited to get a jump-
start on our Christmas cards.
Here is a fun one!

7.  Potpourri is beautifully displayed
 in glass dishes or small decorative baskets. 
Tie 1-2 cups of potpourri into a sachet of tulle 
and tie with a cinnamon stick and bow for 
a sweet way to freshen up a lingerie drawer.

I realized that my
six month blogiversary
tiptoed by without
me noticing this
month.  It has been
wondrous ride and
I hope you will 
continue to journey
through this new
world with me!

There you have it.....my
potpourri of thoughts
as well as a very simple
recipe for a floral potpourri,
all jumbled up!  {The potpourri
recipe was taken from here.}

I'd love to know what
you did this weekend, 
so please  add
your reflections
to the potpourri!


1,2,3,8 Privet and Holly
4,7 Google
5 Source unknown
6 Amber Alexander
9, 10 Country Living


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