Color Club Gossip Column from Rebel Debutante

Above & Below: Color Club Gossip Column shown using 2 coats. The application was excellent! The above photo is under an Ott light, while the photo below is with no flash in filtered sunlight.
Below: A bottle comparison with a near dupe, American Apparel's Peacock. Color Club's will cost you less than half the price.
Below: My newly reorganized untried shelf. I'm out of room and there's a couple of dozen more somewhere else, so I'm declaring February as not only my blog's anniversary month, but also as "swatch what you have and no more purchases until at least one shelf is cleared off" month! Remind me of that the next time I mention that I picked something new up!
Gossip Column is my first swatch from Color Club's soon to be released Rebel Debutante collection. This is a deep Peacock blue shade, leaning more toward teal than turquoise. I used 2 coats in the photos and had a smooth application without any problems. This shade is highly pigmented and I didn't even experience any streaking on the first coat. Whenever I use a shade for the first time, I often wonder what I might already have in my collection that is similar. I only looked as far as my untried shelf and compared it to American Apparel's Peacock, and I would say that they're a very near dupe. If you missed out on the original run of AA's polishes or are looking for a less expensive alternative--with a better formula, in my opinion, because I added thinner to the AA polishes I've used so far, as they were on the thick side--check out Gossip Column. They should be available in the next couple of weeks.

Speaking of untried polishes, I reorganized my shelf that holds mine this week because I wanted to keep all of the same brands together, and things had gotten a little out of order. I realized that the untried's are winning and I need to get busy swatching! Thankfully, I have no orders or samples/new collections for review on the way, and I'm not the least bit interested in OPI's Hong Kong. I just realized that there are more on another shelf too that aren't pictured, so yes, I need an intervention. Or an extra couple of sets of hands!


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