C-zing the Day

As I watched my kids eat
their breakfasts this morning,
this first day of a new school
year morning, it all came 
back to me.  The teen angst
of new teachers, new schedules
and the pressure to fit in.

And the courage it takes to
walk out the door on that
first day.

Life takes courage.

Not just for the big dragon
slayers ~ military, police,
fire fighters {thank God
for them} ~ but also those
who slay life's smaller
dragons....fearful little 
critters such as

the unknown

In the grocery, as I loaded
up my cart with nourishing
foods, I thought of my friend
Kathleen and her new, never-
the-same-life after cancer ~
cooking more nutritiously,
exercising faithfully,
staying positive ~
not just because it's good for 
her, but because her very life
depends on it.

At my doctor's appointment,
I considered my quite young
{and very serious} doctor,
as he quietly entered the exam
room.  Does he take a deep
breath or say a little prayer
before the door opens to an
expectant face and the 
diagnosing that awaits him?

Dragon-slayers come in many 
guises, like the elderly lady I saw 
at the craft store parking lot,
walking slowly, slowly, slowly 
to the shop door with the aid of 
her cane.  It was raining.
{What compelled her to come
 here, today?  Yarn?  Paint?}
  I loved her baseball cap, 
sporting the Viking's team logo.
She was plucky in her own way.

The TV brought more food
for thought.  All those people
digging out from Hurricane 
Irene or the wildfires that rage
through Oklahoma and Texas.
Property ruined.
Lives upended.

Chopping peaches and
tomatoes for salsa, I looked
out the window at my little
garden, my thoughts drifting to
my blogging friend Jane, trying
to be present in her day to day
life with three young children,
while mourning the recent 
loss of her dear dad.

The phone jolted me back 
to my own life....My hubby on the
 end of the line....the hard worker
whose job often takes him
from us ~ sterile hotel room,
eating dinner alone tonight, 
instead of chicken and peach
salsa here with his family.

Dragon-slayers, all.

And yes, this mama, too, 
putting her kids on the bus,  
taking the snap-shot, waving 
the bus away.  A tiny part of her
bereft, knowing this part of
the journey will be gone in
a flash.

Promise me you'll always 
remember:  You're braver
than you believe, and stronger
than you seem, and smarter
than you think.

~ Christopher Robin to Pooh
{Author A. A. Milne}


all photos:  by me


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