Zoya Touch Collection Swatches

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today I have swatches of the upcoming limited edition Zoya Touch Collection, which Zoya sent for review.  The sun peeked out for a moment between storms, which means I hadn't been planning on swatching and hadn't fixed up my pinky yet, so the pictures leave that out, but at least they're in the sun so you can get a good look at the polishes.

All three Zoya Touch shades are extremely well pigmented, so much so that I think with careful application, one coat would be enough for them to be opaque.  Because there's a lot of pigment, they weren't perfectly smooth without top coat, so all three of these swatches are with both base and top (which did smooth them out perfectly), and I gave the top coat a couple of minutes to dry before taking the pictures.  Without the top coat, they dry surprisingly quickly and shiny, but I figured not using it wouldn't be a fair representation of the polishes.  I left the last one on the four fingers I swatched, and it's dried well in a reasonable period of time.

Minka is the palest of the three, which Zoya describes as "latte beige cream with a metallic kiss."  I think it's a light beige shimmer.  The color would likely be a very good match for many people's skin (it's darker than mine), and the shimmer in it is that very fine, subtle kind, but there's a whole lot of it so it shows up quite well.  Here's Zoya Minka.

Zoya Minka
Zoya Minka Nail Polish, Two Coats

Shay is next in line, and it's a shade darker than Minka and more rose, but has the same cool shimmer.  Zoya calls it "desert rose sand beige cream with a metallic kiss," and I'd call "cream with a metallic kiss" shimmer, but description of the shade is probably more clearly explanatory than any other words I'd choose.  Here is Shay in sunlight.

Zoya Shay
Zoya Shay Nail Polish, Two Coats

The third and last in the Zoya Touch Collection is Pandora, which Zoya describes as "mauve beige cream with a metallic kiss."  Again, I'd scratch "cream with a metallic kiss" and go with "shimmer," but I'm glad for the suggestion of "mauve beige" because that's a very accurate way to put it.  Here is Pandora, which has the same subtle but dense shimmer as the previous two.

Zoya Pandora
Zoya Pandora Nail Polish, Two Coats

As I mentioned, the sunlight I had was just peeking out between clouds, so it wasn't glaringly bright.  When taking the pictures, I was lamenting that, thinking it wouldn't show the shimmer, but it actually worked out very well.  You can see how the shimmer in these really glows when the light hits it, and that they're distinctly shimmers even without bright light, and the colors didn't get all washed out.

I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite of these because all three of them are really cool, and they're coming out just in time for my renewed love of shimmers.  The Zoya Touch Collection is available for pre-order on Zoya's site now, with a release date and pre-order ship date of June 1st.  They're $8 each and the little boxed set of three is $24.

That's my Zoya Touch review, so until next time, love and nail polish to you!


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