Zoya Jo & Konad m34

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today I'm wearing Zoya Jo, the lovely blue shimmer from Zoya's Twist Collection from a while back.  It's what I think of as a jeans color, and it's loaded up with a sparkly shimmer.  For the manicure, I used Nubar Foundation as a base, two coats of color, and finished it with Nubar Diamont.  Jo applied quite well (although as there was some discussion of yesterday, I have to work more carefully with the relatively small brush), and it's one of those where while applying the first coat, I think "This will need at least three coats..." but then the second makes everything nice and evenly opaque. It dried well with this combination, although I know that Zoya strongly recommends their Color Lock system, which I've never used in its entirety, to ensure that everything works out nicely.

I decided to Konad an accent nail again today just because I'm digging the Konad kick for cheerful manis, but I didn't want to mask the shimmer of Jo because that's my favorite thing about this polish.  Also, on the lazy front, it takes about thirty seconds to do one stamp and about ten more to top coat one nail to seal the stamp, so it's pretty tempting to go that route - I think it's a great payoff for minimal effort.  I used the Virgo design from plate m34 in Konad White Pearl for the stamping.  Here's the finished manicure under artificial light (Spring storms mean the sun's nowhere to be found).

Zoya Jo Nail Polish and Konad m34
Zoya Jo Nail Polish, Two Coats, with Konad m34

You might notice there's no way to leave comments today (on any post), or even read them for that matter.  Comments are back for now...  That's because the commenting service I use is having tech issues.  It's on the agenda to switch to another that comes highly recommended, but because of the way the current one was installed by the service, a lot of coding will be required to remove it.  Due to the constant tech issue and general lack of interest in customer satisfaction, I don't exactly trust the current service to strip out the code for me.  Since Blogger now offers a zillion times more drag and drop features than it did a couple of years ago when I was coding workarounds for things I wanted (and learning html that way, so coding many of them poorly), I'm leaning toward just completely redoing the whole blog rather than stripping out what I want removed.  There won't be giant changes since I'll never want a loud background or music playing or that kind of thing, and I'm limited with page layout since I use humongo pictures, it would be more a matter of tidying up the things that are either now offered by Blogger as pre-written elements I'd be content with or the things that make me cringe when I see them and know how I'd address them differently today.  I just thought I'd mention that's been moving toward the front of my brain lately, but today's complete lack of comments anywhere pretty much solidified it.

That's the update for today, Dear Reader. Until tomorrow, love and nail polish to you!


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