The L Word ♥

Take away love and our earth
is a tomb.
~ Robert Browning

Last year I had the very
good luck to attend the spring
Na-Da Farm Barn Sale with
one of my BFFs, Kathleen. 
It was a beautiful weekend
and we soaked up the Illinois
countryside, the new friends we
made and our time together.

May 2010
Six weeks later, she met me in
Savannah, GA, where my daughter
was attending a college workshop
for highschoolers.  On the second
day of the trip, Kathleen received
one of those telephone calls that
changes your life forever.

It was her doctor. 

You have an agressive
form of breast cancer.

One of the many things that
amazes me when I think back on
 Kathleen's experience with cancer
is her gratitude that we were
together when she got the call.
She's mentioned that many,
many times.

Some would dub it serendipitous
that we were side by side that day.
We live 350 miles apart and usually
only see each other a couple of
times a year.  Some years, those
busy toddler and early elementary
years, we never saw each
other at all.

Kathleen completed her cancer
therapies ~ chemo and radiation ~
at the end of March.  It seemed
fitting to meet again at the
Na-Da Barn Sale to celebrate....



As luck or serendipity would have
it, the stars aligned {meaning
wonderful husbands who were able to
manage multiple kid activities in our
absence} and I was able to drive
 to Illinois for our Na-Da Farm
girls getaway weekend.

To take advantage of six hours by myself
in the car, I listened to one of my favorite
motivational audio books on the way.

The gist of the book?
The most
powerful force
in the universe
 is love.

And that force
was literally pulling
me back to Illinois.

When I make this drive, there is
a spot in Wisconsin approximately
halfway, and that is usually where
I stop to stretch and fill up my gas
tank.  But this time, that exit was
under construction.  So, I got off
at the next exit, turning into the first
gas station that I came to.

As I jumped out of the car, preparing
to run my credit card at the pump,
the name of the station caught my eye.

Love's Truck Stop.

I kid you not.

I smiled to myself
and said a little prayer....

I'm listening, God!

This year, the Na-Da sale felt
 more like a homecoming
than an unknown adventure.
We were welcomed with hugs
from many bloggers who we'd
 met for the first time last year at
this event. 

Loved seeing all these
talented blogger friends!

Anne Marie/ Kathleen {Charm Bracelet Diva}/ Jill {Gypsy Brocante}
 Fifi O'Neill/ Jen Rizzo
Beth Quinn/ Jeanne Oliver/ Traci Thorson

 Bravely sporting her
 post-chemo hairdo, Kathleen
was radiant. She'd journeyed
with cancer through summer,
fall and winter and I couldn't
think of a more perfect way
to celebrate the new spring of
her life than being there that weekend.

Love you, girl!


It was evident in all of the sweetly
displayed vendor booths both
inside and outside the barn.  It was
 joyfully displayed by the hostess
of the sale, Anne Marie, whose own
face glowed as she talked to those
attending, little baby Daniel cradled
in her arms.


The next day our dear friend Fiona
joined us for Art on The Farm,
taught by blogger Jeanne Oliver.
Using mixed media and guided
by Jeanne, we spent three special
hours immersed in the creative
process. The last step was choosing
words for our pieces.  I'm betting you
know one of them that I chose : )


Here is Kathleen's art work:

She was stronger than she thought she was.


I can't wait to go back to Na-da
Farm and celebrate another year
of friendship and life next year.
Until then, I will I will take those
moments of serendipity.....
of God.....of love.....wherever I can
find them, each and every day.

Wishing you all of that
and much, much more.

Enjoy this long weekend!



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