In the Moment

Waiting is not popular. In fact, most people consider waiting a waste of time. Perhaps this is because the culture in which we live is basically saying, “Get going! Do something! Show you are able to make a difference! Don’t just sit there and wait!” For many people, waiting is an awful desert between where they are and where they want to go. And people do not like such a place.

~ Henri Nouwen, Dutch-Canadian priest

At church last week
our minister talked 
about active waiting.
Yep, that's right.
Active waiting, the
kind that we experience
when we are expecting
a long-awaited guest
or package, day or event.
Our waiting is active because
every moment is filled
with anticipation. 
Looking out the window.
Checking the clock.
And this expectation
heightens our awareness
about everything 
around us.

She challenged her flock
to be especially attentive to 
all the small moments 
during Advent, leading us
to Christmas Day.

I am striving for
that awareness;
of being fully present 
in all the wonderful
that grace my life,
and not floating along
on auto-pilot,
worrying about the 
future and not noticing
the beautiful present.

It's not easy, is it?

Here are a few mindful
moments from my week, 
so far.....

Nothing major,
but when they
happened, I 

Here is one, now.

And I hugged it
to myself, 
with a smile.

~ One ~
Snow globe-like
swirls of snow outside
our window Tuesday, 
making everything on that
side look magical
and everything on
this side seem extra cozy.

~ Two~
Coming downstairs
each morning to switch
on the hundreds of tiny lights
embracing our Christmas tree
and loving it in it's
pre-adorned simplicity.
{Decorating is now
in progress!}

~ Three ~
Two does on Monday, 
paused in the middle of our
road, eyes locked
on mine as I slowed
my car to the side
and sat, mesmerized
by their grace and beauty.

~ Four ~
The sheer ebullience 
on my son's face last
Sunday, returning from  a 
shopping trip with his
dad to proudly
show me the gift
he was so excited
about buying for his

~ Five ~
Tea lights at church
on Wednesday night,
lit to lift up thoughts and
prayers, their flames dancing 
in the dark, peaceful silence.

~ Six ~
Our little dog, Gracie,
warmly greeting me at
the door, no matter
that my absence has been
five hours or 15 minutes.
Today and everyday, she
is my biggest fan!

This first week
of December, I am dedicating
 a Friday flower
to all of you who are

Kiss your life. Accept it, just as it is.
Today. Now.  So that those moments
of happiness you are waiting for
don't pass you by.
~ Anonymous

Thank you for
spending some of  your
precious moments here
with me!


[Last two:  Privet and Holly
All others:  Flickr; click on each
to reveal the talent.]


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