No to Clumps!

There was drama at Bryant Park today as Bourjois went on strike on the steps outside. What were they protesting? Clumpy mascara. The mob chanted “Yes to Volume! No to Clumps!” as they handed out Bourjois's new Yes to Volume! No to Clumps! Mascara, to onlookers. “We’re French,” offered a company spokeswoman in jest. “And protesting is what we do best." But the Sephora office was no stranger to this particular protest. In what I personally think is one of the cutest campaigns ever, Bourjois sent a press mailing to editors earlier in the month, with mini "strike" signs to promote the new mascara. So how, exactly, does it put the kabutz on clumps? It's got a comb applicator that separates individual eye lashes, while delivering a thickening formula to each.


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