Blog, and You Shall Be Nominated and Tagged

August has been an eventful month for me as the NKOTB. Oh, I know, pretty soon I’ll have to stop hiding behind that monicker, but I must admit that it feels very safe sheltering under that cloak. You see, if I made a boo-boo, I can always proclaim my innocence as I’m just the New Kid who doesn’t know any better. Ja?

Anyway, I’ve been nominated for the same award by two very lovely bloggers this month!

I checked but I was unable to find out what the official name of the award is (May I call it the Cool Lemonade Cart Award?) but it is basically for bloggers whose blogs one loves to read. I’m really only mentioning this to acknowledge and express my appreciation to the two ladies who so kindly nominated me: Moggalicious and Lorla. Thank you very much for the nomination!

Moggalicious, please excuse me for this late post. I will always remember you as the first blogger to nominate me for an award. I truly appreciate your support. Fellow bloggers, do check out Moggalicious' lovely blog. It’s a pleasant mix of beauty and personal posts, which makes for a great read.

Lorla, you too have been very supportive of my blog and I can’t thank you enough. I will always remember you as the first blogger to tag me (please see below) and then nominate me within a span of about a week! Ladies, Lorla has an interesting beauty blog written with the insight of a former model. It’s well worth checking out.

In turn, I would like to nominate the following bloggers for the Cool Lemonade Cart Award, if I may call it that. Now, I’m aware that you ladies are already no strangers to this award but you are on my list nevertheless simply because I love reading your blogs. The blogs in alphabetical order are:

Beari's Beauties (Rosamond)
Cup of Teaa! (Jennnn)
Expressions of You (Naomi)
Lipstick Rules (Michelle)
NaTGN (Natalie)
oogle makeup (Gail)
The Style of Neighborhood (Yi)

And now, the tag. Lorla tagged me to write six random facts about me. So, here they are:

1. I don’t own a single MAC product. Yes, this subspecies does exist.

2. I suffer from chipaholism – an addiction to one of the most unhealthy foods (if it even qualifies to be called ‘food’!) ever made – potato chips or crisps, depending on where you live. I’ve tried rehab many times but I still can’t stay clean. [hanging head in shame]

The Jewish Bride - Rembrandt, 1667

3. I once spent six solid hours at an art exhibition featuring Rembrandt. I was so engrossed studying every single painting there that I totally forgot to have lunch. Ironically, the exhibition wasn't even held in Europe, let alone in the Netherlands!

4. I’m happiest when I’m spending time in the kitchen cooking. Sometimes, I dream of being a chef in one of Gordon Ramsay’s restaurants. Yes, I should dream on.....

5. I can’t swim, which is not terribly smart of me seeing that I now live in a country where about half the land is below sea level. Long live the dikes!!

6. I love Pucca. Just in case you don’t know, Pucca (pronounced poo-ka) is a cute cartoon character from South Korea. She loves to eat noodles, she races around on her scooter, she’s obsessively in love with a ninja called Garu, she fends off attackers and she’s got a fiery temper. I see bits of her in me.

Thanks, Lorla, for the tag.

Last but not least, I was tagged by Sofieden to do an All About Me tag. Thank you! Hmmm, I have taken liberties with this tag and have chosen to do only a portion of it, one which I am comfortable talking about. I guess I should call it A Little Bit About Me instead:

Feeling: Cautious
Single or Taken: Very married (no, he’s not a ninja)
Eating: Lay’s Super Chips in Hot Wok Chilli
Typing: What do you think?
Online: Uh-huh
Listening To: Carmina Burana by Carl Orff
Thinking About: What to cook for dinner tomorrow
Wanting: 48 hours in a day
Watching: Not the TV (I’m listening to Carmina Burana, remember?)
Wearing: A maroon fitted tee with drop-sleeves from Mexx and a pair of beige 3/4 length pants from Esprit

All right, I'll make it easy. I tag all my readers who have yet to do the random facts tag to reveal six things about themselves! Have fun!


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